Source Code


UMT stands for β€œUniversal Minecraft Trainor”

Very little have the title of UMT

Dude#1: Bro im so trash at minecraft
Dude#2: Don’t worry I’m a UMT
Dude#1: Will you train me
Dude#2: First lesson is free

by FriendlyNeighborHoodBrother June 14, 2019


Uncomfortable Man Touch - when two men are in close proximity to each other at work or at a social event and come in contact with each other so as to cause a moment of confusion and uncertainty.

Joe reaches for a cup from the water cooler at the same time as his co-worker Brad and their fingers touch; this results in a UMT.

by dragon_mcawesomeface November 14, 2008

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


It's an abbreviation for Ultra Mega Thot

Dude1: Dude that girl over there is a UMT
Dude2: yeah dude but I would still smash

by bob_nugget March 9, 2018