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An event/meeting/situation where it's mandatory to have at least one woman present.
Also: anything mandated by a woman.

It's womandatory to have at least one female member included in the teams participating in the Microsoft Corporate Challenge.

by Mohit Hira March 27, 2009


It is again a better word than asking, where is the LAVATORY as it holds the same for the WOMAN.

Jane stop asking me where the LAVATORY is because I know of no spewing lava mountain volcanoes and I doubt you will find that LAVA SOAP in there so for you JANE the .WOMANDATORY. is down the hall to the LEFT as you know ELON runs the WORLD so that makes for good sense and "remember to grab your receipt "if it falls on the floor and anywhere else and that is why FLUSHING IS VOLUNTARY .

by URINE FAIRY FAUCET August 23, 2021