Source Code


German: Marvellous, wonderful, terrific, cool. Something exceptionnaly good.

Umm, this meal is wunderbar! Das ist wunderbar.

by Roman January 24, 2004

303👍 39👎


Wonderful! in German but works well when stated in english speaking countries too.

You got the job??? How Wunderbar!

My record just reached number one in the charts this news is unbelieveably wunderbar!!!

by GIADA D. March 5, 2007

89👍 33👎


A shout of joy, in German.

Similar to, YAY!!

Wunderbar! I won the lottery!

by NullZilla November 14, 2003

68👍 37👎


1. A chocolate, peanut and caramel experience
2. the best chocolate bar in the history of ever

The wunderbars are over there.

by Raven August 18, 2003

50👍 55👎


A single digit vaginal or anal finger bang.

The little bitch was so tight all she could handle was Tony's wunderbar.

by Bigbear Goldstein January 31, 2008

78👍 124👎


1. Means wonderful in German. This word is used by people who choose not to be straight.

Bob: We use the word "wonderful" too much.
Johnny: Dude, only you use that word.
Bob: I guess I am the only one who says "wonderful".
Craig: I say wunderbar a lot.

by J Train January 13, 2005

44👍 98👎

absolut wunderbar

contested etymology tho probable genesis in early 80s Berlin electro-artpop movement or 1920s Weimar Germany. can be both an exclamation to indicate visceral, hedonistic pleasure with one's situation, or a more conversational phrase to express heady vibes empathy with a friend's recent achievements.

Dude 1: I just heard the remix to Purple Ribbon All-Stars' "Kryptonite." ABSOLUT WUNDERBAR!

Dude 1: My girl ordered the number 19 combination platter at the Indian spot last nite. The yogurt was straight fire; I was hecka wylin on it.
Dude 2: O Abs Wunderbar status fo sho fo sho.

by notskinnyimsmallboned November 27, 2010