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A female who constantly tries to deny that she is a female.
Is a funny girl and a good person in general though. Although slightly weird at times, she is sure to liven up any conversation.

Oh I wonder if She comes by to Xela up my day!

by Some757 April 18, 2022

14👍 3👎


Xela is a place in Guatemala, particularly the city of Quetzaltenango, where all the hippies come and enjoy.

I want to go to Xela this summer to get free booze!

by Mintibit May 21, 2011

30👍 13👎


Xela is a person. One whom hates the way society is now. There cool, passionate, and at times they will tell you when you need to stfu. They love to write stories, read books and listen to very very loud ass music that’ll most likely burst there eardrums in half. They make music.. it touches there soul ig. If you have a xela, keep them fr… they’ll listen to your problems and you should listen to theres too.. they have a lot to say.. they’ll take the time to hang out with you.. even if they hate the feeling of social interaction. If there head is not in there stories that they right it’s probably on there play station or with there bsf. Xela is mighty cool. He has twists, ones he swears is longer than anyones.. he is hella tall. Bro can reach nirvana fr. He likes juice and doesn’t like trying out new things.. they enjoy seafood but can’t stand lobster… they also hate the idea of therapeutic music and romance songs. If you ever lose a xela, I feel bad for you.. nobody and I mean no one.. can ever beat the friendship or close bond you’d have with xela.

“wow there goes xela again… always with those headphones…”

“ he probably listening to some gay shit.”

by Umbra dea August 7, 2022


Xela is my middle name. It is pronounced ZELL-ah. I thought I was the only Xela in the world, but I googled the name and found a couple others. However, they pronounce it SHAY-lah.

Xela is a name for a girl, an X used instead of a Z for the place whence Caesar sent the message, "Veni, vidi, vici."

by Xela April 5, 2004

29👍 27👎


A stock that will go rise a lot and was called out by daddy Chrome in Asset Entities server!


by ToTheMoonBoys September 5, 2021


Someone who hates the voices in my head as much as I do. Someone the NSA will surely talk to once V2K starts to harass her. Xela a synonym for hope.

Xela made the voices in my head angry.

Alex: Who is this wonderful bitch?
Loki: She is Xela! A wonderful courageous individual that bribed urban dictionary to cheer me up.
V2K voice 1: Call the NSA! We're going to sue!
V2K voice 2: Oh, my God it's the end of the fucking world where did all my money go?
V2K voice 3: I just shit myself.
V2K voice 1: I hate this crazy bitch drive her insane.
V2K voice 2: Call the NSA! Alex knows he's not insane.

V2K voice 3: I just shit myself.
V2K voice 1: Call the NSA! I KNOW WE CAN SUE!
V2K voice 2: I lost my job. Its harikari.
V2K voice 3: The CIA is making me shit myself.
Alex: I think I'm in love with a southernstraw.

by delusional33 April 9, 2019

5👍 5👎


My best friend. xelA is just alex spelled backwards. He is the coolest guy i know. He's funny, handsome and has the coolest curly hair you ever did see. He plays the piano, sings, plays guitar, plays hacky sack, goes on dates with Laura, bike rides(mountain and road), drives a Lexus, and plays ping pong. He also likes Comedy Central and Coheed and Cambria. He is my cool (big) brother.
Aliases: Bagida Bajam, Alfred da Playa, and Sandy.

I love my best friend xelA.

by the juan(ydoc) March 3, 2004

26👍 41👎