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Asian Greek Council - basically a term for Asian greek life

“I got fucked up at the AGC party last night.”

He’s cute but he’s in AGC :/”

by outfiters March 25, 2020

13👍 5👎


All girls cheat

Aye my nigga. AGC , don't trust that bitch."

by PrxceisrigghtX May 13, 2017

7👍 14👎


agc is an exclusive group chat on twitter, where many girls can be found acting silly and displaying signs of severe mental illness (in a girly way though). agc members are the most angelic girls alive. all their opps burn in hell because the agc girls are all angels in disguise.

"what does agc mean?"
"anal girls cum."

by morguegf June 11, 2023

8👍 6👎


it’s a abbreviation for “ ain’t gone cap

i’m tired asf agc

by dawickkk January 28, 2022


Retarded version of regular A-Level or GCSE course which is 100% coursework.

Pretty retarded, eh?

"I'm doing Chemistry, Physics and Core Mathematics. What are you taking?"

"AGCE Media and-"

"Why the fuck are you talking to me?

by Bart-Plange October 16, 2009

3👍 2👎


Abbreviation for the Alcoholic Gang Crew. Dubbed by the artist formerly known as "Korder Pounder" in one of his daily rants regarding the immorality of fun and its consequences.

Damn those law-breaking, alcoholic, jay-walking felons!

by Pounder August 17, 2005

5👍 11👎


When Aiden Makes A Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

Ima Go Make A Fire AGCS

by AGCS Lover August 15, 2022