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ass kissing

To suck up to someone.Also known as brown nosin.Or to actually kiss someones ass.

Holy Shit dude get ready for some serious ass kissing.

by Pavelski8 September 17, 2006

141πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

ass kissing

To suck up to someone, most likely to get something in return. The success rate is a 2/10 but can be a 3/10 if the person is mildly attractive.

β€œbrooo on god he keep ass kissing me for my nudies”

by @alexisxmercer April 5, 2019

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

ass kissing

To suck up to someone, most likely to get something in return. Success rate is a 2/10 but can be a 3/10 if the person is mildly attractive.

β€œBruh on god he keep ass kissing me”

by @alexisxmercer April 5, 2019

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

ass kissing

The verb form for ass kisser. Also known as sucking up, bootlicking, bum kissing, butt kissing, toadying. It's pretending that you think everything about someone you want something from (such as a boss) is wonderful. If a boss ordered everyone to come to work in a pink tutu and bunny slippers and someone started praising the order as if it were the greatest thing since sliced bread, that would be ass kissing.

The extreme form of ass kissing is brown nosing: someone who kisses ass so much his nose turns brown.

If a boss ordered everyone to come to work in a pink tutu and bunny slippers and someone started praising the order as if it were the greatest thing since sliced bread, that would be ass kissing.

by Ann Nichols September 18, 2006

52πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Ass Kiss

when someone takes there bare ass and sits on the other persons cheek, making kissy noises. When they lift they're ass off the persons face they fart loudly.

Oh dude you smell like ass

yeah Bill Gates gave me an ass kiss last night

was it wet?



by stoner4boner March 9, 2010

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


An action where 2 people volunteer to have both their anal sphincters come in contact as if they are kissing.

P1: hey man how are you doing?
P2: Good man, what about you? what have you been up to?
P1: I'm good too man. I just ass-kissed Charlotte last night.
P2: Bro... That's your 10-year-old sister.

by Buttercake144 January 13, 2023

ass kiss rodeo

Having to kiss someone's ass so much that it becomes a show in itself. This was a bit on the Adam Carolla KLSX radio show.

Everyone disagreed, but to keep their jobs they all played ass kiss rodeo to make him happy until he left the meeting.

by NCdubmixer July 23, 2009

311πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž