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ass to mouth action

astronaught that hot dog

by pink treat February 15, 2009

3👍 25👎

Anal Astronaught

A naughty astronaut that explores the vast depths of one's ass.
A faggot.

For another definition of Anal Astronaught, please see booty pirate.

by Alexand October 10, 2006

23👍 15👎

Bloody Astronaught

When a man sticks a condom over his head, and into a woman's vagina when on her period and then pulls it out and blows, inflating the condom, now covered with blood.

"Damn, that girl's pussy was so loose and I could easily do a bloody astronaught with her."

by Austaul Hattavitch September 15, 2005

22👍 31👎


The proper form for Astronauts in space.

They were "astronaughting" their way around mars.

by Richardsimmons5 December 10, 2010