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In London this means to blaze (smoke weed)

I was bunnin at my bredrins yard

by yasmin September 12, 2003

227👍 81👎


The act of having sex

Yo dogg i was bunnin wit one of my bitches last night

by MisTa GheTTo March 8, 2003

49👍 75👎


to get with afemale;to call her your chick.
(D.C. slang)

Yo Im bunnin shorty now,she mad fly.

by DiMPL3Z April 9, 2008

36👍 77👎


wen sumthing is realli hot ,or a cigarette.

I was just bunnin a joint

by Nathan September 22, 2003

7👍 73👎

Bunnin Zoot

The passtime of smoking weed.

1.)"Hey Mike, wanna go bun some zoot later?"
2.)"Yo, whats up, you been bunnin zoot or some shit?"

by lalalalalalalalacharlie January 31, 2009

12👍 8👎

hot dog bunnin'

tit fucking of the ass. The cousin of the Machine Gun that uses the booty instead of the rack

Dude she went all Jesus on me. She can't fuck or blow now, so when I get tired of using the machine gun I have to use the checkdown move and go hot dog bunnin'.

by Dave08 September 11, 2006

16👍 5👎