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butt snake

a usually brown or green snake that dwells in the bowells until it is full grown and then released from the anus into the toilet world

Grant saw the remains of a very aggresive butt snake all over the toilet bowl, but never saw the actual butt snake he had released

by anonymous388 February 5, 2010

28👍 6👎

butt snake

A penis that is used in most part for breaching the anal cavity.

I slammed that broad's poo hole with my butt snake!

by Uberpimp March 19, 2005

28👍 17👎

Butt snake

A snake is an elongated, limbless, carnivorous reptile. A butt snake is one that lives, or seeks to live, in your bum.

There is a supreme leader of butt snakes, who commands and controls all. If approached by a butt snake, do anything in your power to seal your anus because once penetrated, butt snakes are almost impossible to remove.

The supreme emperor butt snake only sees the colour brown, and travels at the speed of sound once locked on to its targeted anus.

Oh shit, there's a butt snake!

Stop being such a butt snake.

I think 'John` might be the supreme leader, he's such a butt snake.

by John Haines January 13, 2022

4👍 1👎

Corn Eyed Butt Snake

A shit someone takes after eating corn. Usually long and coils around the crapper, sometimes even floating, making for a truly spectacular achievement. Often smells very shitty.

Man you should've seen the deuce I dropped today, it looked like a Corn Eyed Butt Snake.

by Julio Mundo March 26, 2008

19👍 4👎

Snake Butt

Snakes dont have butts
so its someone that doesnt have a butt.

damn.. that girl has a Snake Butt

by mrsummers August 20, 2009

17👍 16👎

Snake Butt

Somebody who is always pissed off leading you to believe there is a snake up their butt.

dude, snake butt won't let us hang out with his sister

by sean88 June 12, 2011