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To live together in a sexual relationship, especially when not legally married.

Woo Hoo hotness unlimited! If u keep on putting up pics like this, im definetly cohabiting with u in LA ;)

by princez April 16, 2008

21👍 3👎


When two people, generally a man and woman but in this day and age it could be any variation of the genders, are living together in a mad frenzy of sex. If say you're "cohabitating" with someone and you're not having sex more often then hormone raged minks, you're not cohabitating.

You will never enjoy the perks of cohabitation, because you're such a fucking retard that you had to use the urban dictionary to find out what it means.

by deathjr November 15, 2003

42👍 74👎

Post Mortem Cohabitation

A term for a situation where you are living with an ex after a break up because of financial reasons, or a pandemic, etc.

My husband and I lived in Post Mortem Cohabitation for 8 months after we broke because it took so long to put the mortgage in my name due to Covid 19 slowing the banks down.

by KJP420 February 8, 2021

cohabitation without fornication

a term used to describe moving in with your lover with the expressed agreement that no sexual activities will ensue before marriage. Similar to "taxation without representation" but with a sexual aspect.

George Washington: "Benny, I hear you have moved in with your 15th mistress."

Ben Franklin: "Yes indeed! But, we are practicing cohabitation without fornication."

Thomas Jefferson: "How patriotic. Sign here."

by keVIInXI July 8, 2011

2👍 3👎


Something a guy might not want to do with a girl that is always trying to stick him with a fork, a knife, or a shank in his sleep, claiming to have had a dream that he was a killer. You just do the things couples do with her, then you both go home like you don't know each other until tommorrow, that way the guy knows he has a good chance of waking up in one piece if he really wants to stay with her.

If a guy tries to cohabit with the kind of girl that sticks shit in his shoulder overnight, what does he expect to happen besides a short lasting marriage that went South a long time ago, no matter how hard they tried to work on it?

by The Original Agahnim July 10, 2021

Cohabitant Fornicationship

A relationship held together only by the emotional bond of out-of-wedlock intercourse and proximity which the couple often mistakes for love.

He is clearly getting abused, but he has already gone so far with this cohabitant fornicationship that if he stops now, it will have all been for nothing.
She makes him feel guilt over the cohabitant fornicationship, repeating that she has given all of her to him over and over and what a horrible predator would he be if he still refuses to say the words, "I love you."
She wants to prove her brother wrong, that what she is going through is love and not a cohabitant fornicationship, but it will be decades before he is persuaded.

by Ferdinand III of Castile August 13, 2024