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Full name - Salvatore Ferragamo
A kick-ass Italian designer brand. Theire products include clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, eye-wear and perfume.
Ferragamo is known for its prestige and top-of-the-range quality

Salvatore Ferragamo began its line in mid '20s

by He's the boxman September 26, 2006

71👍 6👎


An italian shoemaker who discovered his talent at the age of nine after making a pair of shoes for his sisters to wear to their confirmation. He immigrated to the United States in 1914 and eventually moved to Hollywood where he became one of the most influential and innovative shoe designers the world has ever seen.

Ferragamo is known for designing dorothea's ruby slippers in the 1939 version of "the wizard of oz."

by esme_squalor January 14, 2007

35👍 4👎


An adjective used to describe someone or something that is available, or in other words, is "fair game".

Dorion: "Yo check out the new chick! She's pretty hot!"
Nick: "Aww hellz. She got a mans?"
Dorion: "Nah bro, she's ferragamo"
Nick: "Nice...imma beat dat"

by NG $tyLeZ November 2, 2010

11👍 16👎

Ferragamo's Theory of Love

If She shows more then 5 unfixable Red Flags then you must put up your white flag and get the fuck out of there. Also do not try to save anyone whom isnt willing to save themselves, its common sense. but dont date sociopaths who will use you and abuse you because you'll end up with severe PTSD, and cause your self mental and financial burden. also never take back a bitch who left u for a nigga in a psychiatric facility, in fact if they in a psychiatric facility the bitch is a red flag in itself. if she fucks 5 niggas after u and u get back w her you is a chump.

Person 1:Yo i got with this chick
Person 2: oh what is she like?
Person 1: well shes homeless, went on a date w her and the bitch ended up in a psych unit, got extreme daddy issues, and is a diagnosed Sociopath
Person 2: and how long you been w her?
Person 1: 6 months why?
Person 2: at least she hasn't left u for anyone
Person 1: Yeah she did, left me for this guy in the Pj's, a total nutjob
Person 2: and you took her ass back?
Person 1: I wanted to give her a second Chance
Person 2: You're a fuckin idiot, you know that?
Person 1:How???
Person 2: Just get rid of her, you gotta follow Ferragamo's Theory of love.

by Spacecadet119 November 7, 2021