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A terrible, addictive drug that kills many people every day. It takes the people you love away and can make the last impression they leave you feeling depressed and unloved. People often feel that they were not "enough" to keep the addict alive. Herion is a strong drug and it speaks for it's self. When you loose someone to herion it is likely the person was gone long before they passed. Herion will scream over even the strongest and loudest personalities.

Herion took the lives of my sister, brother, and my father.

by raine tones August 12, 2011

180๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž

hillbilly herion

n. the prescription painkiller OxyContin.

Ever since he went on disability he just sits around blitzed on hillbilly herion.

by jim June 25, 2003

45๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Herion Chic

A style characterized by dark bags under the eyes, bed head, over-sized clothing and dark sunglasses. Despite looking like bit of a slob, these individuals give off an air of confidence and glamor - a certain haughtness amid their substanceabusing , crusifix-wearing, and generally unhealthy appearance.

Kate Moss and Johnny Dep are both Herion Chic.

by Ill Take All The Blame October 17, 2008

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Herion High

Where the grades are low but the students are high

I dropped outta my old high school now I go to herion high

by Flex Master Paster September 15, 2018

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herion baby

an undersized/small balled baby that is addicted to herion

holy shit that's a herion baby

by shuthefuckup February 23, 2003

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herion baby

a baby that has been subjected to 9months of heroin use by the mother, comes out screaming for the drug.

watch trainspotting n find out

by sexy_baby January 25, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

hillbilly herion

Creative force behind the ideas of Rush Limbaugh. AKA "Talent on loan from GOD"

"Rush used his command of Hillbilly Heroin to rally the neo-conservative forces"

by mattman October 11, 2003

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