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A term used in Virginia (mostly Petersburg), referring to one’s action or usually used to say someone is pitiful or terrible for wrong doing

James is larceny.

by JasperdaReaper- December 27, 2018

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A serious lawful offence, involving theft.

Dude I got 28 years for 6 counts of larceny.

by Mike "White Man" Jaworski April 29, 2006

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Dick Larceny

When a girl is bored of just being a hoe and starts stealing her friends guys to fuck. Basically a slutty dick stealer, but on a larger scale.

Ali is such a whore! She knew I was dating him and she just commited dick larceny cause she knew I liked him.

by UncleHappy December 2, 2009

petting larceny

Stealing something from a person while kissing them

He was making out with this hot girl, then he found his wallet was gone.
That's petting larceny, man!

by Jon Osenada December 15, 2012

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Lighter Larceny

A person who will steal people's cigarette lighters more than 50 times.

Lighter larceny! Did you see how many were on his floor? I recognized Amanda's lighter there.

by silverseal September 17, 2011

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Grand Larceny

1) When someone fucks up and/or takes your shit.

2) When YOU fuck up and/or take someone's shit.

Brad: "Angela committed GRAND LARCENY on my dick last night bro. She fucking ran into the sunset wit dat shit."

Pete: "Dis nigga broke into my crib de other night. So I burnt his mother fucking house to the ground and Grand Larceny'd his Ford Pinto."

3) When you fuck a female so hard that she seizures and shits on your dick.

Herald: "I asked my C.P.A. out to dinner so she wouldn't expose our tax fraud. Ended up commitin' GRAND LARCENY on that bitch last night."

Gregory: "Yeah dawg, last night I fucking committed Grand Larceny on Tina. I fucking made the bitch leak like the mother fuckin' hoover damn."

by Mejosh March 23, 2009

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Grand Larceny

When 9 jacks you for yo shit.

Damn 9 just robbed him! (Grand Larceny)

by Johnathon Marshalis March 8, 2023