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1. Someone who generally focuses on the positive aspects of life. As such, an antonym of hater.

2. More specifically, it can also be used to describe someone who is a serial clicker of the "Like" button on Facebook.

She's a Facebook friend of mine and she's a real liker!


Bobby in accounting is so negative all the time, a real hater. I wish he was more like Sandy - she's such a liker and it's really easy to work with her.

by cup.half.full August 24, 2010

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A Liker is somone who stalks you on Facebook and presses the Like button on every post, photo or activity on your Facebook Wall.

OMG, Haley has a Liker on her Wall !!

by bugsy17 May 31, 2011

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A Human, or Extra-Terrestrial being who uses the "like" function on the popular "facebook" social networking site.

Your my bestie now, and that means you have to be a faithful liker to all of my stati.

by Thee Infamous Jrad June 25, 2011

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People that float through Facebook all day and all they do is hit "like" on everyone's post

Lazy people that sit with the mobile all day long just to hit 1st on someones status. I call them "likers"

by palmettogirl73 April 8, 2012

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liberal liker

A friend on facebook who seems to "like" every post.

shelly: yay! i'm so happy, i posted my status two seconds and already one person likes it!

sandy: that doesn't count because jake liked it, he's a liberal liker.

shelly: stfu

by gurrrrrrrllll June 21, 2011

a fuckin' liker

Someone who says like in the wrong context constantly. Usually students and teenage girls are the main offenders

A fuckin' liker - I was like going to the like shop for a like sandwich

by SirGreg January 4, 2017

compulsive liker

Someone who can't help themselves but to "like" everything that is going on in Facebook.

John is bitter and alone.

Geoff likes this!

John: Dude, what the hell?
Geoff: Sorry, man, I can't help it. I'm a compulsive liker.

by errntnarcsst May 12, 2009