Source Code


menstruation, to have one's period

...but when he knows I have my monthlies and I start to get cranky and bitchy with him...

by the curse January 6, 2006

77πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


It’s simplest when a girl is on her period

Boyfriend: why are you all mad all of a sudden

Girlfriend: because I’m on my monthly

by #add me on sc Lizzy.lean March 16, 2018

Monthly Listeners

An excuse KSI uses against people who call his music shit

Guy: Ur music is shit
Ksi: Lets see ur monthly listeners then

by ChinkyCurry August 3, 2020

110πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

monthly nut

An individual's fixed monthly expenses, such as rent, utilities, cell phone, Internet access, car payments, car insurance, etc. These are the bills you have to pay regardless of what you do in a particular month. Can also be used more generally to describe one's monthly expenses, regardless of whether they are fixed or variable.

If I'm going to make a living as a jazz trombonist I have to keep my monthly nut small.

by monkey1235 May 28, 2013

Monthly Tugboat

A term used to describe Welfare and Social security checks that arrive monthly. Notably used by Christian Weston Chandler.

I've got to wait until the 3rd before my monthly tugboat comes in so I can buy me a bunch of Oreos and weed. I sure love not working.

by PotSton December 6, 2010

72πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

monthly gift

Period, menstruation, that time-of-the-month, having the painters in, call it what you will it still sucks.

Go swimming!!! Boy, you crazy, I've got my monthly gift at the moment..

by a,men April 1, 2009

396πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

edit monthlies

an editing grp usually has a prompt/theme/character that the members will edit every month

these are then usually posted under the grp's monthly tag e.g #dragongrpmonthly

"if you consider joining our grp, remember edit monthlies are required!!"

by gheegle August 30, 2020