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Pay off

Something you're doing,and it is a success in the future.

If you continue on practicing,it will totally pay off.There is a saying,,,Practice makes perfect''

by Toa Pohatu March 28, 2017

11👍 3👎

pay off

The spot where you are going to ejaculate during intercourse.

Jamison, when you were having sex with your boyfriend where did you pay off?

I was hunching that girl doggy style and I pulled out and payed off all over her back.

by TOOL_fan May 1, 2005

29👍 49👎

pay off wizard

Someone who calls on the river when he is beat. Usually referred to as donks or bad poker players.

"You called me with middle pair? Wow you're a pay off wizard."

by stu kendall September 22, 2008

52👍 4👎

paying off the refs

It is the giving the referee's money/goods to make call's towards them.

Brazil is paying off the refs.

by WolfOfWalstreet June 14, 2014

4👍 1👎

Pay Me Off

When a person is about to leave..

"Yo man pay me off im out"

by Capokarate October 27, 2008

19👍 1👎

Chicago pay-off

The act of paying off a judge to drop a serious charge.

A Chicago pay-off is a corrupted way to get a case dropped.

by Slang Advisory Board March 26, 2019

pay off the principal

Not to be confused with the shrewdly-prudent and virtuously-responsible practice of diligently settling your bills "up front and in full" and therefore carrying a zero balance (i.e., your "principle") on your credit card each month to avoid interest-fees, this term refers to the decidedly UNWISE and UNFAIR act of BRIBING (i.e., "paying off") the head-honcho at an establishment of learning (i.e., the "principal"), so that he'll kiss-buttingly bow to your outrageous stipulations and/or preferentially pull strings on your behalf, often to the detriment of others in the school.

Probably Ethan Couch's absurdly-indulgent father initially tried to pay off the principal so that his spoiled-a** Little Prince could be coddled and given unduly-preferential treatment, but then when this failed, he upped the ante by threatening to buy the entire school just so that Ethan could be tutored the way HE preferred him to be.

by QuacksO August 22, 2018