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a sexual act in which one grabs another person’s scrotum from behind and pulls aggressively towards the rectum. the act resembles pulling a pearl from an oyster shell, hence the name. for an extra pearling surprise, twist the scrotum before pulling it backwards.

bro 1: “bro my girl was pearling me so hard last night, i still can’t feel my balls”
bro 2: “that’s so hot, i wish my girl would pearl me”

boyfriend: “can you pearl me tonight please”
girlfriend: “no your balls are always sweaty, i can’t get a good grip
boyfriend: “then just twist before you pull, it feels even better”

by pearling king September 4, 2023

23👍 4👎


A body modification like tattoos or piercing, where pearls or surgical stainless steel spheres are inserted under the skin of the penis.

The purpose is primarily to enhance the sexual pleasure of the man or his partner, though some people do it for the unusual look.

Allegedly originated by Japanese gangsters (Yakuza) serving time in prison. Where a sharpened chopstick was used to cut open the skin. It marked both the time spent in prison and the power of a mobster to obtain pearls while in prison.

Your girlfriend will love the Pearling, but avoid sex for a couple weeks or it will hurt like hell and can get infected.

by Gnosa June 27, 2017

14👍 2👎


When a man or a woman is having a rough day and they have accumulated too much sand in their vagina. Once the stress becomes overwhelming, the accumulated sand transforms into a giant pearl that incidentally induces more crabbiness.

After getting stuck in traffic the whole day, I was pearling all night.

by vundava September 28, 2010

201👍 131👎


-Getting caught in a boldface lie in a rather public fashion
-Wearing obnoxiously vibrant jackets to garner undeserved attention
-Being an all-around ignorant jackass

Man 1: "I think I'll wear my orange blazer out tonight..."
Man 2: "Dude, you're not gunna get any girls when you're pearling like that"

by gamer newt February 9, 2011

16👍 51👎


The act of passing a kidney stone during sexual intercourse.

Vincent: Hey bro I heard that Ethan pearled inside of that girl last night...
Ethan: Yeah, pearling is kinda painful but you know what they say.. no pain, no gain.

by GrabEmByTheBussy October 17, 2021

3👍 7👎


Rolling a perfect blunt

She pearled that backwood.

by TrapB May 26, 2018

77👍 2👎


The most beautiful girl in the world. She has a dark past, but you must look past it to the beautiful person she is. She thinks she is not much, but she is the best. Always boost her self confidence, because she deserves it. Once you find a Pearl, never let her go. She is a once in a lifetime chance that you should never pass up.

An all around amazing young girl. She has her flaws, and is very insecure about them. She is awfully beautiful and humble. She has an amazing soul. Pearl is a shy girl, but is very out going once you get to know her. She always has a smile on her face. She is incredibly smart and down to earth. She is one of the realest and nicest people you can ever meet. Pearl is a very kind hearted person who will be there for you no matter what. She is an amazing best friend and girlfriend. One day she will be something relevant to this world. Her heart only beats for one person and doesn't whore around. Pearl is a beautiful, intelligent, and compassionate girl that you can't let slip out of your hands.

by Pearlscm January 10, 2018

953👍 103👎