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A swift nearly cosmopolitan falcon (Falco peregrinus) that is much used in falconry- called also peregrine falcon

The peregrine came out of a steep dive to snatch the rabbit out of the field

by hawk May 30, 2003

31👍 10👎


That weird, sheepish grin that can only come from delirious Indiana hillbillies. If you haven't witnessed this yet, be thankful; it is very eery and slightly disturbing.

When Tyler ate the last cookie, he turned around and showed off that peregrine. The only way anyone could describe it was sheepish; and also creepy.

by This is true May 24, 2013

4👍 6👎


the act of walking arround for a very long time, usually resulting in boredom or getting lost, made pointless after the invention of the hoarse and later the car

the young lad set out for a day of peregrination, and he was very excited untill he realized that his favorite jordans ahd been snaked, then he grabbed his glock and went postal on his family and his neighbor's dog, see what happenes when some one touches my.... i mean his jordans, GOD.

by QWERTY May 21, 2003

13👍 8👎


Most commonly used as a noun- travel form one place to another, especially on foot.

Less commonly used as a verb- the process of transitioning into a peregrine falcon.

Becky's family tentatively began building a giant nest in light of the early signs of her peregrination.

by LEXI the CON artist May 23, 2017

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Peregrine Falcon

A six legged reptile that lives underwater. It can only survive in saltwater. Is as a slow as a snail

You are as slow as a peregrine falcon!

by ser see swee February 3, 2021

2👍 1👎


Playboy, CEO of SEX Inc., has a harem of 25 women (at least).

That asshole Peregrin fucked my mom again!!

by warrior of allah inshallah November 25, 2021


A country of the lost and wandering.

America after the fall became a peregrination, so many souls, trying to find their way back to a life that once was and would never again be.

by Monkey's Dad March 13, 2020