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1. a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief, etc. expressed for the benefit of one's penis
2. a misleading or unsound argument supporting an act which would be pleasurable for one's penis
3. deceptive, misleading, or false nature regarding one's penis, esp. size; erroneousness in relating facts regarding one's penis
4. In logic: any of various types of erroneous reasoning that render arguments supporting an act which would be pleasurable for one's penis logically unsound

He boasted that he was well-endowed, and this became a commonly believed phallicy.

He said he loved her, but it was only a phallicy.

All of his former hook-ups accused him of phallicy.

The most commonly used phallicy the fourth kind is "Everybody's doing it."

by Feistyy June 16, 2010

10👍 4👎


Deceptive or false appearance of one's own penis size.

Jen hooked up with Jake after the rumor of his man hood spread, only to be deflated by the phallicy that made her so curios in the first place.

by akak1701 December 13, 2007

4👍 4👎


A condition or state of being in which a person (female) has a strong and unwavering desire to suck cock/dick and consume/eat semen.

Never have I seen such a woman as phallicious as Betsy. I swear anytime I get around her she's got dick on her breath and looking for the next guy she intends to suck off.

by Nikki Stixx February 4, 2020


A portmanteau of phallic and delicious;

1. Describing a situation of penile ubiquity.
2. Describing a male of exemplary sexual prowess.

Oliver: "Hey Gregory! Yesterday I went to that one phallicious internet sesspool of live-streaming voyeurism and nearly swallowed my own tongue!"
Gregory: "Oliver! I thought I told you to stop using my grandmother's computer to explore your sexuality on ChatRoulette."
Oliver: "Duly noted."
Gregory: "Guffaw!"

by Detective Magnus Bojaxhiu. May 13, 2010


adj. Having phallic qualities while also being delicious.

"These bananas are phallicious!"

by Cynus June 10, 2015