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To express satisfaction towards someone elses action, like "well played"

(friend flattens a happyslapper) - "Playdo!"

by Drewby89 October 31, 2007

5👍 1👎


1. Someone that thinks online weddings are cool.
2. A person with dwarfism that has a combover.
3. Someone who is extremely annoying.

That guy that wants to have a wedding over a chat website is so Playdo.

by rawrz February 23, 2008

5👍 4👎

Playdo fists

A fat persons hand upon making a fist. Because of the excess fat around the hands, knuckles are not defined. This means the fist is blob like and sometimes they have small dimples where pronounced knuckles can be found on the hand of a person of average build. This gives the appearence of a childs sculpting of a hand from child friendly Playdo modelling clay.

Having Playdo fists restricts the owners ability to deliver an effective punch if needed.

As Lucy sat writing her essay I noticed she had playdo fists

by Jim Birtwisle November 12, 2007

4👍 1👎

head full of playdo

simple minded, foolish, absolute cluster fuck, a person who cant or wont get out of their own way let alone everyone eases, a real nascence someone who believes every far fetched rumor and conspiracy theory with out any facts to back it up . very childish also known for avoiding responsibility's or just pushing them off on others

don't listen to that jackass he's got a head full of playdo

by neigan February 11, 2018

7👍 1👎