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To drink a beverage (usually alcoholic) very quickly. Synonym for chug.

Scull! Scull! Scull!

by Anonymous September 3, 2003

127๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


(v trans) to drink (an alcoholic beverage) in a single draught.

Syn. chug

Poss. derived from "skol" a term similar to "cheers!"

There is no bloody way I'm sculling that yard-glass.

by Spootonium October 10, 2004

176๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


To scull around; to mill around. To waste time in a lethargic manner, typically playing video games on rust-colored couches in the musty apartments of Ithaca, NY.

"Hey Nate, would you quit sculling around, we got shit to do!"

"I can't stand sculling around like this all day. I need to accomplish a task!"

by Brian Fortitude Bell January 19, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


Torture. That's about it.

I'm feeling so fucked after sculling...

by ouch........ November 24, 2010

23๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


It's awful. It's tiring - exhausting actually. It's hard - one of the hardest things you will ever attempt to do. It's mind numbing -there's so many things you have to think about. It's painful - have you seen a sculler's hands?? Well, you don't want to hold them. Bleh. It's scary - seriousley the thought of falling in to a river full of currents, rats and who knows what would scare the s*** out of any 13yr old child!!!! But for some reason, thousands of people do it across the UK. Some people question the appeal but well, no Sculler or Rowing can explain why the stick with it. I guess you could say, after sculling 10km, you feel pretty damn good! :D !! It's like Rowing but instead of each crew member holding one blade/oar, each 'Sculler' holds two. People say Rowing is harder but once you've learned to 'Scull', you can easily convert to Rowing but if you learnt to Row first, it's like starting from scratch to begin Sculling. Also in sculling, you can have one person in a boat but you can't in rowing for obvious reasons like you'd just go round in a circle!!

Person 1 "heyy, I'm going Rowing today!"
Person 2 "Rowing? That's a sport for pussys! I'm a real man. I go sculling."
Person 1 (silence)
Person 2 "That's what I thought, dude!"

by ROWINGBUDDIES222 February 16, 2012

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Agreeing to a deal and then extorting extra money out of the individual

After I agreed to buy the car for $1,000 he tried sculling me for another $100

by nonAnon June 25, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


To row with an oar in each hand versus both hands on one oar as in sweep in a sliding seat rigged boat that is long and narrow. Usually a single rower. The opposite of the Team Sport of Crew. Great sport for the solitary athlete.

He sculls. She rows but she hates crew.

by RobitJ December 15, 2008

47๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž