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a dirty, shit on, old mattress

We found a shattress behind the motel.

by nrs March 12, 2005


oppressed autonomous selectively mute narcoleptic schizoid apathetic atrophic alcoholic drug fiend fuck

one day shattress stumbled on someone with a pile of marijuana and said "Yay i have just enough money from my job at YB-USA for this."

by tay and may January 23, 2008

2👍 3👎

Shattress Bandle

A very short female specimen.

The female version of the popular Ghanaian Short man devil himself. Shatta Bandle.

The usher took the shattressBandle lady to children’s church.

She was short of words too.

Shattress Bandle means, Short, very short. Escaped dwarf.

by @mykelstarzy November 2, 2019