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take it easy

1. to keep ones anger under control

2. to work slowly

3. to relax

4. good-bye

Come on, take it easy man.

by The Return of Light Joker July 29, 2008

417πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

take it easy

By far the best departure phrase known to man.

Person 1: Take it easy.
Person 2: Why that's an excellent idea! I think I'm making my life to stressful so why don't simply follow this kind strangers advise and tell my boss to fuck off because I'm taking it easy!

by FUCK THA POLICE October 24, 2003

771πŸ‘ 195πŸ‘Ž

take it easy

goodbye, bye-bye, good luck, see you later

β€œWell, it was nice talking to you. Take it easy.” β€œYou too. Bye-bye.”

by PK Hotdog July 17, 2006

353πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž

take it easy

Don't hurry, proceed at a comfortable pace, relax.

Take it easy, we don't have to be there until noon.
James decided to take it easy this weekend and put off working on the house.

by Jason June 16, 2006

405πŸ‘ 153πŸ‘Ž

take it easy

To do a tad bit less than what you want to do.

Patient / Endurance Runner: (had surgery to remove tumor in leg and has 5" incision in thigh... Ran half-marathon the day before surgery and a 50km run 3 weeks before surgery.)

Surgeon Doc: "you can start running again after 2 weeks, if you really want to, but you need to take it easy, to start off with."

Patient / Endurance Runner: (runs 2 miles with a few breaks to walk some, exactly 2 weeks after surgery.)

Physical Therapist Doc: "I think you are doing too much... You need to take it easy."

Patient / Endurance Runner: "I thought running 2 miles with breaks is taking it easy. It's a lot less than running 31 miles." ...

by 70.3Anne December 10, 2011

25πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Take it Easy

Not pushing so hard.... When life is tough, you choose the easy path.... the path of least resistance. You do not stress, but take the easy option, you don't push or force yourself through, what you want, you take it easy, and you accomplish your goals anyways.

Person one: Man this is so hard, I have to get it done
Person two: Relax, take it easy, it will get done... you don't need to push yourself through it
Person one: there is a deadline, and we have to do this and this and this and this, ahhhh.
Person two: relax bro, take it easy
Person one: ahhh
Person two: do we need to force it, chill bro
Person one: ok
Person two: sounds great, we will get to it, don't worry take it easy man

by amendelo May 13, 2010

75πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Take it easy

1) A friendly departure, letting the other party know that their well-being is supported.

2) Means it's time to chill the fuck out.

1) John: See you later!

Timmy: Take it easy.

John: You too.

2) Anal Probe: WHAT THE FUCK!!!

Someone with common decency: Take it easy!

by El HolandΓ©s Rojo October 26, 2010

89πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž