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It’s an adjective and it means not having or lacking enthusiasm. If someone is unenthusiastic about something it means they are feeling indifferent, apathetic, passive, phlegmatic, lukewarm, listless, languid, lethargic, emotionless, perfunctory about it.

I’m unenthusiastic about having Malcolm on the team.

by AKACroatalin March 24, 2017

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It is an opposite meaning of enthusiastic. A type of scepticism. If someone doesn't believe in success.

John was unenthusiastic but gave it a chance for win

by iGame_again April 3, 2016

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(n.) a person who is unenthusiastic about everything and defines their personal by such an intense lack of enthusiasm

Person 1: β€œWhy are you being so mopey?”
Person 2: β€œI dunno, I’m just an unenthusiast”

by Rambler369 December 20, 2021