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Otherwise known as the perfect individual, he is very caring about others and compassionate.
When it comes to guys Janeil is the way to go!

I want someone to care for me like Janeil does!

by Kuroko November 22, 2021


1. A less vulgar term for kicking a girl straight in the twat.
2. An animal abuser.

I cat-kicked a feminazi straight in the twat today.

by Kuroko July 23, 2004

9👍 3👎


What you use to watch pornography.

I tried to watch pornography, but I couldn't find my pornograph.

by Kuroko September 17, 2003

84👍 32👎


1. The case of addiction to data, getting a psuedo-sexual thrill out of the acquiring and pursuit of.

2. The abuse or excessive use of information.

That computer addict who died in his own waste, you know, that guy? Yeah, he was a total slave to infornography.

by Kuroko August 29, 2003

123👍 3👎

squid pro quo

A thriving barter system in very isolated communities, involving the exchange of mollusks for other goods.

That exchange was totally squid pro quo, I gave him some squid and he gave me some tentacle videos.

by Kuroko September 19, 2003

286👍 44👎