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A guy that turns out better than you expected or originally anticipated. Probably has brown hair. Probably sexy as hell.

What was that? Was that a pigeon. No, dammit. THAT's an Andre.
Ryan Reynolds is such an Andre.

Dag nabbit. If only I had an Andre in my life.

by Neytari May 1, 2018

1👍 1👎


verb, infinitive: to not text back, but in some rare cases one word answers like "K"

Josh: Jackie just nallad me.
Ethan: If anyone nalled me I'd probably shoot up a school.
Jane: But...I nalla people all the time.
*Jane's been missing since.

by Neytari May 2, 2018

2👍 9👎

a newb

Someone with very little cognitive skills, and/or a dismembered penis. A very bad gamer. Unlike a noob, a newb is someone who actually want's to get better. But they probably never will.

Newb : Let's play on my switch.
Noob : Nah, man. Fuck nintendo. You're such a newb.

by Neytari May 1, 2018

4👍 9👎

it's fine

Something said when someone is offended and not actually fine, typically by women.

Dan: I'm sorry babe. I never meant to disrespect-
Ibesha: IT'S FINE. Really, it's fine. I just rly wanted chicken nuggets.
*Dan did not wake up the following day*

by Neytari May 1, 2018

97👍 7👎

a small loan

A loan of 1,000,000 - typically from one's father.

It hasn't always been easy. I started off in Brooklyn. I was then given a small loan of one million dollars.

by Neytari May 1, 2018

Emma Jean

Probably the baddest bitch on the block; what all females aspire to become. A goddess among mortals. Probably Caucasian, but with a black girl's ass. Makes all the boys beg, but is saving herself for Thor of Asgard.

Person A: Emma Jean is such a queen. She may seem mean, but she makes me cream.
Person B: Emma Jean is so hard core. She tore. Right through my underwear drawer.
Person C: Emma Jean is so debatable. Relatable. Fuck, she's even datable.
Thor of Asgard: WHERE'S MY HAMMER?!

by Neytari May 2, 2018

9👍 1👎