Source Code

vaginial disharge

discharge from the vagina

Dude she has some disharge shit coming out of her pussy

by Pyro June 16, 2004

10πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A word used by people to describe them BITCHES

EX.1 I fuck all them dumb bizzle's last night and did the money shot in they eye. EX.2 Yo moma's a dumb bizzle. EX.3 Fo Shizzle my bizzle is in the bezzile felling her vizzle fo mezzle FA SHIZZLE my she my bizzle

by Pyro October 8, 2003

17πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


-To breath out
-Opposite of inhale

After inhaling all that weed through the bong, I slowly exhaled it.

by Pyro October 28, 2003

230πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

butt grease

Anal leakage, usually resembling cooking oil. Happens after a person gets the shits.

I was sick last month, my butt grease was hard to wash out of the sheets.

by Pyro November 21, 2002

45πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A place where most(not all, fortunately) of the population consists of narrow-minded white Southern Baptists who got Bush a second term due entirely on his neo-evangelical "family values" he preached about in his 2004 presidential campaign that basically promoted religious bigotry and intolerance toward gays and Jews, along with policing womens' rights and deeming other religions as "inappropriate", while disregarding Bush's other plans which would throw this country into a further decay.

Jesusland also, coincidently, consists almost entirely of all the land where slavery used to be legal back in the 1800s.

Residents of Jesusland who voted against Bush often find themselves persecuted for supporting, in the words of their oppressors, "Godless, amoral, fag-loving baby-killers" once they say anything negative about him.

~The place I regretfully live in is part of Jesusland. Don't blame me, I voted against Bush!

by Pyro April 2, 2005

516πŸ‘ 300πŸ‘Ž

Russell Crowe

1. Someone who loves making movies and loves making songs, but there's just one thing that he loves even more: Fighting 'round the world!

2. To lose your temper on the phone and throw the offending object at the face of the nearest person.

1. That Russell Crowe sure loves fightin'!

2. (sigh) John just got taken away by the police for pulling a Russell Crowe with his cell phone in the restaraunt.

by Pyro September 2, 2005

154πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


The extremely cool, bisexual character in Metal Gear Solid 2, who has characteristics of a vampire.

The boss fight with Vamp isn't too difficult.

by Pyro June 16, 2003

78πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž