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why is this not defined

lol, you were to late... i already defined it. ez.

why is this not defined?

by Questionforgodwhy March 30, 2021

dork web

the section of the dark web where ur mom would be sold

person 1: where can i go buy ur mom?
person 2: on the dork web of course! :)

by Questionforgodwhy April 8, 2021


A very slow website that teachers want their students to use.

Classkick is basically a super, painfully, slow website.

by Questionforgodwhy April 22, 2021


...wow... you made it this far, looking into your computer screen, wondering... "what is i type 'qwertpoiuyasdfglkjhzxcvbmn' into my keyboard?"

Heres an idea, go outside, walk around for about 5 minutes, come back, and boom. 5 minutes of time passed.
your welcome for the bordom cure.

person 1: im bored... qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
person 1: *screams*

by Questionforgodwhy June 2, 2021

when you accidentally build a jeep

help a accidentally build a jeep

the world ends when you accidentally build a jeep.

by Questionforgodwhy April 23, 2021

1👍 1👎



i wasnt living

by Questionforgodwhy March 24, 2021


the way cupboard should be spelled.... like seriously... cup board? its literaly cuboard...

found my dead cat in the cuboard

by Questionforgodwhy March 23, 2021