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Ethans are shy when you first meet them but once they warm up to you, they're super outgoing and fun. They're super cute and look even cuter when they're running their hands through their hair. They're eyes a super dreamy and you can lost in them easily. They're usually really tall and are fast runners and epic basketball players. They're super sweet, kind, and funny who can make anyone laugh or smile. I think they're pretty much perfect <3

Girl 1: That kid is SO cute!!
Girl 2: I know right? That's an Ethan. He's pretty much perfect!

by ScarMcall06 June 6, 2018

10👍 2👎


Kaydee's are usually very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very clumsy. They enjoy reading (a lot), and laying around watching movies. They are usually somewhat tall, brown hair, and love music. The best things about the are they are not self conscious and will rock out singing in the car making your ears literally burst, but always make you laugh. They know every word of every song, and every artist and title of every song. They have a strange obsession with actors named Chris. They are very picky about the boys they like. They will keep you up all night talking. They are very strong in there opinion and it wont change. You have to have to have a Kaydee in your life because they are awesome people, no matter what all the others say.

PS. There too special to have there name the usual Katie.

Kaydee: (2:30 AM) DANCE IS A SPORT BECAUSE....

Friend: No its not because...

Kaydee: Nope, good night, LALALALALALALALALALA

Friend: (Face palm) Fine, but its not a sport.


Friend:(4:30 AM) Whatever. Goodnight.


by ScarMcall06 June 6, 2018

20👍 13👎

Lyric (Boy)

Lyrics are TOTAL jerks. They ignore their friends for no reason and are never serious about anything. They laugh at everyone's misfortune and judge books by their cover (figuratively and literally). They are incredibly stupid and don't realize when he's gone to far with a joke or when the people around him are trying to be serious.

Person 1: Why does that kid have to be such a jerk! He laughs every time I make a mistake :(
Person 2: I know right? He's totally a Lyric, for sure.
Lyric (boy)

by ScarMcall06 June 6, 2018

1👍 7👎