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spot me

Slang for "lend me," as in money or other goods.

Hey, spot me some cash for dinner and I'll pay you back on Tuesday.

by WombatAscension June 13, 2004

257👍 47👎


Mispronunciation/mispelling of pervert. Used by a rather stupid soldier in Stanley Kubrick's film "Dr. Strangelove," and probably elsewhere.

He's into {insert distasteful hobby}!? What a prevert!!

by WombatAscension June 13, 2004

264👍 82👎


SHOULD mean:

1. fear of things that are the same

if you look at the basic meanings of its Greek roots:

but in everyday usage means:

2. fear of homosexuals

Or, possibly:

3. condition where one person has the same fears as someone else

1. With his homophobia, he can't look at a bunch of paperclips or go to a prep school without freaking out.

2. My homophobia restricts me from watching most home improvement TV shows.

3. We're both claustrophobic, making us homophobic as well.

by WombatAscension June 13, 2004

1325👍 1946👎

on demand

To get something "on demand" or "on-demand" is to get it whenever you want it, usually using the Internet.

I can get music on demand at (website), and movies on demand with pay-per-view.

by WombatAscension June 13, 2004

19👍 6👎