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An alcoholic beverage made by fermenting marshmallow peeps. Tastes similar to a very mild, sweet white wine, with a faint but unmistakable aftertaste of marshmallow.

Etymologically linked to Latin's "malva" or Hebrew's מַלּוּחַ (mallū́aḥ, “saltbush”).

In other news, God wept because they brewed up some mulve to serve at the Halloween party

by danachos October 12, 2022


The process of transforming the planet Venus, particularly with the goal of human habitability.

Were humans to aphrodaform our inner planetary neighbour, people may eventually be able to comfortably live on the surface. Aphrodaforming Venus, in many ways, would take the opposite approach to areaforming Mars: Instead of increasing surface pressure, an aphrodaformed Venus would require a massive decrease of atmospheric pressure.

by danachos January 4, 2022


The study of the structure of Mars. Similar to geology of Earth, areological study looks at rocks, dirt, terrain, and other physical features of the fourth planet.

Related terms include:
- areography (like geography)
- exogeology
- hydroareology (study of martian groundwaters)
- paleoareology

The areology of Olympus Mons denotes it is over 20 km tall. Areological study of the planet is difficult at such a distance, so the only areologists on the planet are Martian rovers. "Geology is the areology of Earth"

by danachos July 12, 2021


The process of transforming the planet Mars, particularly with the goal of human habitability.

"The Expanse" (a T.V. show) demonstrates efforts to areaform the planet. By the late 22nd or 23rd centuries, Mars might be areaformed enough to allow comfortable living conditions for the human species (though continued areaforming would probably be desired).

by danachos January 4, 2022

Corporate fanfic

Also rendered as "corporate fanfiction," it is an alternative name for a "cover" or "motivation letter"

From /u/Hawkwise83

You don't love corporate fanfic about how you've always wanted to work at a grocery store and it's your life's passion to make minimum wage?

by danachos January 25, 2023

Forefaran effect

The phenomenon that something which was previously working correctly, suddenly does not work correctly when one tries to demonstrate the operation to others.

"The inventor Zuse was occasionally helped by this good fortune when, contrary to expectations, devices ran without any errors during important demonstrations, and he freely admits that this "inverse forefaran effect" has often helped him." (Der Computer — Mein Lebenswerk, by Springer-Verlag)

by danachos July 20, 2023


A parkade or parking garage-like structure intended only to hold bicycles. Descended from "stable" and the Dutch fiets stalling.

Not Just Bikes is enamoured with Amsterdam's new bikestall

by danachos February 6, 2023