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When lol just isn't enough. Or an emphasis for lol to make sure your friends know you think its funny. Anybody who uses it in a real talking conversation is stupid.

Jack: "My wife will buy anything marked down. Last year she bought an escalator!"

Jeff: "Lolz"

by darkshadow29 July 29, 2010

175👍 95👎

internet pioneer

Somebody who used the internet before any of the major sites (like myspace facebook youtube and even google) were around. Internet pioneers were the first users of the internet, and they know what they're doing when they go online.

Person1: Why is my internet being stupid?
Person2: Try clearing your cache and cookies.
Person1: Wow you are so smart, you must be an internet pioneer.

by darkshadow29 July 30, 2010

50👍 3👎


A Net-Twit is an over user of the popular site "twitter". Net-Twits feel important by replying to celebrities and posting their own tweets and pretending that people follow. The other guideline to being a Nit-Twit is that they log into twitter multiple times per day and are addicted to it.

"Jenny just tweeted that she had a massive dump. That is her third tweet already today! What a Net-Twit."

by darkshadow29 September 9, 2011


moving staircase (not to be confused with the moving staircases in Harry Potter) used to make walking up stairs easier. Its like taking the worst part about elevators (makes you fat) and stairs (takes too long) and putting it all in one convenient location.

Guy 1: Dude lets take the escalator
Guy 2: Why?
Guy 1: Because escalators are slow and make me fat!

by darkshadow29 July 29, 2010

61👍 13👎


A delicious, sugary object that tastes good. Your mother never lets you eat it in the morning, before lunch, never if you don't eat a good lunch, before supper, and NEVER before bed. Yet somehow American children eat several tons (2,000 pounds multiplied several times) of it each year.

Jimmy: I totally wanna lick that lollipop... No homo
Jim-Bob: No get your own candy!

by darkshadow29 February 2, 2010

167👍 98👎


Term for somebody who regularly edits Wikipedia just for fun.

EX1: JOE: oh wow this wiki on quantum physics is intense.
MILTON: Yeah I edited that one, as well as the one on introductory physics.
JOE: You are such a WikiNerd.

EX2: The nerd in weird Al's "white n' nerdy is also a WikiNerd because he edits wikipedia.

by darkshadow29 August 2, 2010

39👍 6👎


airplane is a hilarious movie that cannot be taken seriously. Its a classic movie even though its children offspring (airplane 2 and 3) were failures. if you haven't seen this movie... WATCH IT!!!

line from the movie airplane:

DOCTOR: what did the passengers eat for dinner?
ATTENDANT: Well they had a choice, either steak or fish.
DOCTOR: Oh yes now I remember I had lasagna.

by darkshadow29 May 7, 2010

83👍 85👎