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dooced: to lose one’s job because of one’s website.

Dude, I heard Janey got dooced last week.

by daveeee October 29, 2004

1000👍 234👎


A Jamaican term in origin, usually only said in the UK by Yardie gang types. Avoid at all costs.

Essentially a derogatory term indicating that someone is acting foolishly; i.e. a term of ridicule.

Also now used by people with no discernable relation to its true origin as an ironic and playful insult.

1. Bambaclat five-o pinched me herrrrb aii.

2. Oi, get over here you bambaclat!

by daveeee July 13, 2004

155👍 69👎


Another componant of 1337 speak commonly used in online games (especially Counter-Strike). Has also found its way into

Stands for 'nice one', and can be used in many different contexts.

"n1 m8, cya @ 8!"


"ns, n1 m8!"

by daveeee July 13, 2004

106👍 28👎


A more recent addition to the numerous abreviations to the English language used in AIM / MSN / online gaming speak (or 1337 as it has been dubbed).

Stands for 'fuck knows'.

fks how he made that shot, must be a hax0r

by daveeee July 12, 2004

16👍 10👎


British slang for stoned, i.e. the effect you get from inhaling marijuana fumes. Recommended.

Other variations include mashed, blazed and 'totally out of it dude'.

"Mate, I'm well caned."

by daveeee July 13, 2004

368👍 140👎