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being over analytical over nonsense on the internet; hinting at your ever growing neckbeard.

This can also can be used to point out stupid nitpicking.

Also filling up an argument with pointless facts that do not prove anything.

Guy: I like how your sister used the water fountains as a metaphor for how the school is one regret after another
Girl: Dude, she's 10, Quit your neckbearding. She didn't think that far into it.

Anon1: Name the best band from the new millennium
Anon2: The Cure
Anon1: They're from the 70s
Anon2: Bloodflowers (2000)
Anon1: I said FROM not IN
Anon2: fuck you and your neckbearding!

Status: frankly illinoise (sic) had very little to do with that the music of that state. where was junior wells and the blues, where was the jazz and the acid chicago house? fucking no where. yes he can do wrong quite well. round of applause to everyone who fellates this guy's career

comment: Wow, you're certainly butthurt about this. Why do you assume that Sufjan had an obligation to reference the music of Illinois? He made a fantastic record about its places and people; stop neckbearding!

by imthatawesome October 12, 2010

2πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Highbrow Humor

1. Not fucking funny.

2. Something hipsters pretend to be funny.

Bill: Ted! I've fallen in love! ...with the word, "Shan't." My zeal and fondness towards this word is unparallelled. I have been left enamored to the point that I'm completely and utterly smitten by the word. But, alas I cannot use the word without sounding like a pompous ass. So my love appears to be in vein. I can't bear the pain, so I shan't any longer. *pretends to kill himself*

Ted: That whole aside makes you sound like a pompous ass.

Bill: That's the point, it's called a joke.

Ted: How is that funny?

Bill: It's highbrow humor and irony, perhaps it's 2deep4u

Ted: Maybe, you're just an unfunny faggot!

by imthatawesome September 23, 2012

21πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

I have a cat in my lap

The last excuse for not doing something without admitting to laziness. Often used by cat owners and drunks/meth whores

Mom: Timothy, take out the trash!
Tim: I will.
Mom: No, NOW!
Tim: I'm busy.
Tim: But, I have a cat in my lap!

Bill: Ted, can you hand me a beer.
Ted: Go gret it yershelf....
Bill: Dude, it's right there.
Ted: .....MraI have a crat in m'lap.....
Bill: There's nothing there...where are your pants? ...You have shit on your dick.

by imthatawesome September 14, 2012

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

I never fuck it up

What you say before you fuck something up.

Bill: Yo, Ted that combo is lookin' tight and long
Ted: It's my BnB, I never fuck it up.
*Drops combo*
Ted: Shit....

by imthatawesome September 21, 2012

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Instrument Hoarding

Collecting musical instruments for the sake of owning them with no intention of learning them. Those who do it are known as Instrument Hoarders or a Pretentious Douche Bag

Girl: So my boyfriend just bought a mandolin. He's so artistic and deep.
Guy: Orly? Does he know how to play?
Girl: No...
Guy: Your boyfriend is a pretentious instrument hoarding douche.

by imthatawesome September 28, 2010

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Nittany Pride

When you high five a child molester.

'You fuck Jimmy yet?"
"Fuck yeah! Give me so Nittany Pride!"

by imthatawesome November 18, 2011

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When someone or something's artistic value goes beyond a person's perception; leaving that person lost and confused.

On the flipside, this may be used to sound like a total douchetard because you think you're better than everyone else. often used by hipsters

Guy1: How can anyone like "Boys Don't Cry"
Girl: It's a great movie that challenges society's views on gender!
Guy1: What are you talking about?
Guy2: nvm it's 2deep4u

by imthatawesome September 28, 2010

167πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž