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Vertical Helicopter

When a girl is hung by her ankles to the ceiling, you spin her around, then the tension makes her spin while she sucks your dick.

A female Russian cosmonaut (with daddy issues) is preferable due to their high-g training. NASA doesn't spin their astronauts anymore so that won't work. If she throws up, bonus lube, and if she uses teeth, bonus religious conversion.

Katya came over last night and gave me a vertical helicopter. Now I'm Jewish.

by aBoogieWithDaddyIssues April 3, 2020

vertical content

Creating visual content with the aspect ratio 9:16.

9:16 is also known as the size of your smartphone screen.

I created vertical content to post on my Instagram story.

94% of people watch videos on their phones. Why not make vertical content?

by 9:16 February 5, 2020

Vertical Smile

Illinois vulgar slang for twat

I remember when I heard a kid in the neighbor call the local perv a vertical smile, years later the bastard was filming shit-stabber porn.

by illinoishorrorman January 19, 2018

vertical cha-cha

The dancing around two individuals make to balance themselves when they are having sex standing up. The opposite of the horizontal mambo. horizontal mambo, sex, hooking up, dance, porn, sex scenes, cowgirl, sex positions

The sex scenes on tv have gotten so ridiculous. The actors were doing the vertical cha-cha up against the fridge and the sink and the wall. It is just too much!

by joecoolthefool October 26, 2018

"vertical" bottom line

Da final profit/loss amount produced by showing your butt-crack in public.

Depending on da general locale, how good-looking your behind is, whether you're male or female, da general conservativeness of da local culture, how many singles there are in da populace, etc., da "vertical" bottom line experienced in a particular area can vary wildly.

by QuacksO February 22, 2023

Happy Vertical People Transporters

elevators that have the ability to see into the future... product of the sirius cybernetics corporation in the science fiction satire "the hitchhiker's guide" by douglas adams....

about the sirius cybernetics corporation..............
It is very easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of (their products) by the sense of achievement you get from getting them to work at all. In other words - and this is the rock solid principle on which the whole of the Corporation's Galaxy-wide success is founded - their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws. "Happy Vertical People Transporters"

by 6*8=42 May 21, 2011