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Roblox Crackhead

A roblox user that looks like they just made their account 10 minutes ago(exaggeration) and suck at the game you found them in

You: The server is full of roblox crackheads

by Dababyballs February 16, 2023

Soul Crackhead

When you find your counterpart of your inner crackhead.

Wow Guinevere, you may be Christopheโ€™s soul crackhead.

by Guinevere Christophe April 4, 2020

Soul Crackhead

When you find your counterpart of your inner crackhead.

Wow Guinevere, you may be Christopheโ€™s soul crackhead.

by Guinevere Christophe April 4, 2020

Cuban crackhead

These species are most commonly found amongst the Ribeiro and Bordallo family. Do not approach, for they will most likely do some crackhead shit.

Those Cuban crackheads hate โ€œthe haunted museumโ€ for various reasons.

by Cuban crackhead September 22, 2019


TRIN AND KAYY๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Ž(people who live in florida and are rockmonsters )

"You guys need to stop, you are acting like floridian crackheads"- kyndall

by KYNDALL71818(ON.IG) June 30, 2019

crackhead picnic

A gathering of the finest crackheads. Typically involving lots of cigs, alcohol (typically 40s), and of course, crack. These picnics have been known to take place outside of churches, in bushes, or on roofs. There is no food at a crackhead picnic! Only vices...

My life is full of crackhead picnics. College taught me how to manage my crackhead picnic.

by Managing your crackhead picnic March 28, 2014

crackhead material

christian strachian

also a minecraft god

christian is such crackhead material lmao.

by user262705 September 9, 2019