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A jargon or slang for Wait

Hey, Tony could you please Y8 a minute.

by UrbanLegend12 November 19, 2021

46👍 4👎


Alternate Spelling: Yeight

Yeet, but for the sophisticated Yeeter.

Bob: Are you going to the school dance.
Litmaster: Y8! (dabs)

by Mario128843 May 31, 2018

26👍 25👎


A website where gamers were born

Y8 is a drug when i was 10

by dankestboii February 5, 2018

46👍 37👎

Y8 gamer

A person that only play simple games from the Y8-website.
This person will often ask you to try to beat their high-score, which is impossible since they spend all their time playing shitty games.
A Y8 gamer will often think he/she is cool because of their high-score in a shitty game.

The Y8 gamer thought he was cool when asking me to attempt beating his high-score of 72 in slope.

by Dickmeister6969 November 19, 2019

5👍 24👎