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getting really incapacitated, drunk, messed up, also can cause seeing of purple homo sapians in toliet water as you are purging.

I was so deaned last night, i think im now a father.

by E liz November 28, 2007

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


To have be pinned down by several men while several others grope you're testicles and often have an object such as a bottle or a phone or fingers shoved up you're anus.

Billy-"Hey everyone!! Look over there that guy is being deaned!!!"

Everyone else-"Man that is so sick lets keep watching!! Hope I never get deaned"

by Alfred Amigo January 22, 2008

16πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


The act of grooming a friend's girlfriend in the hopes of lining up future sexual opportunities.

Deaning is a disengenuous act usually performed by those whom you trust the most. People who dean generally do so in abundance, carrying their various deaning conquests as a badge of honour. These individuals are always seeking to expand their deaning ventures, hoping to obtain a conglomerate of females at their sexual whim. Such people are often found to be stating "I love her so much" and asking "Where is your girl?", "How is she doing?" in passing conversation.

Concerned man: Is Bartholomew deaning my girlfriend right now? Should I be worried?

Delusional friend: Nah dawg, he's just an amicable character

by SakDaddy October 18, 2021

53πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Dean’s are the best dads you can have even if he scares you a little bit. Some of them are way to over protective and he will show you some cool take downs.

Wow Dean is a great fighter and protector

by What’s up😝 November 24, 2018

98πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

the dean

the art of knowing something that you absolutley obviously know nothing about. ie i got a guy that want's a mastacater pump. and also the art of designing stuff that you don't know about either.

hey i weant to do the dean to your mom.

hey i know about stuff but i don't really

by paul vortman July 16, 2008

47πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Swag. Tall, sexy and fit. Dean is a man dripping in swagger with a huge cock, Dean knows how to make the pussy drip.

"Mmm that Dean is just so fucking sexy! He makes my pussy so wet!"

by uaeneg May 30, 2012

234πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž


An absolute bruh moment of a dude. He be funny but yet serious. Dean is good with history and money. He also is a leader, that’s why college heads are called deans. This man is always a bruh moment, a chill dude, or a serious bruh.

Boy: I be low on cash
Dean: I got you this time
Jonas Savimbi: Death to the MPLA

by The name chad June 25, 2021

25πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž